Unaccompanied migrant youth leaving care in Spain: how their journeys differ from those of other care leavers

Capítulo elaborado por nuestro grupo e incluido en el libro “Living on the Edge:Innovative Research on Leaving Care and Transitions to Adulthood”.
Abstract. This chapter focuses on the situation, needs and experiences related to the transition to adulthood from care of a particularly vulnerable group of care leavers in Spain: unaccompanied migrant young people (UMYP).  UMYP usually become familiar with “living on the edge” at a young age.  Hence, we explore the profiles, needs and situation of UMYP in Spain compared to those of other care leavers without this background. We use a quantitative analysis approach using data from semi-structured interviews and quantitative evaluations through standardised tests. Apart from comparable needs, findings show very specific profile characteristics of UMYP compared to their care-experienced peers without a migration background: they are less likely to have experienced abuse or neglect in their families, but at the same time, they seem to be more vulnerable as care leavers to find stability and move on to in(ter)dependence as young adults. Important implications can be derived from this for practice and policies.